Design and fabrication of bismuth ferrite oxide (BiFeO3)-based heterojunction nanocomposites as efficient solar activity catalysts
Research Domain: Technology & Engineering
Sub Domain: Chemical & Process Engineering
ChM. Ts. Dr. Lam Sze Mun
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Green Technology
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
1 Prof Dato’ Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Mohamed USM School of Chemical Engineering
2 ChM. Ts. Dr. Sin Jin Chung UTAR Faculty of Engineering & Green Technology
3 years (1 August 2016 – 31 July 2019)
The present research project focused on the fundamental study of BiFeO3-based photocatalysis technology to pave the potential application for solar energy conversion and environmental protection areas. It was divided into several parts, including the study of fundamental theories and mechanism of charge separation dynamics for solar light photoactivity over BiFeO3 nanocomposites, design and tailor made of BiFeO3-related heterojunction nanocomposites via advanced characterization, photocatalytic performance evaluation, parametric study of catalysts, reaction intermediates detection of organics degradation and finally kinetic behavior study. Under simulated solar light irradiation, all the synthesized BiFeO3 nanocomposites exhibited much higher activities than that of commercial TiO2 in the degradation of malachite green, phenol and 2,4- dichlorophenol. The Pd-BiFeO3 had the highest photocatalytic activity among all of the samples.
  1. To investigate the fundamental theories and photocatalytic mechanism of charge carriers transfer process in BFO-based heterojunction nanocomposites.
  2. To design and tailor-made novel BFO-based heterojunction nanocomposites with desired characteristics and properties for efficient solar photocatalytic activity via advanced characterization.
  3. To evaluate the catalytic activity of BFO-based heterojunction nanocomposites for degradation of organic pollutants.
  1. Talent:
    • 1 PHD
      1. Zeeshan Haider Jaffari (Non-Malaysian)(Graduated)
    • 2 Master
      1. Kee Ming Wei (Graduated)
      2. Chai Huey Yee (Graduated)
  2. Publication:
    Target Current
    6 37

    1. Article in Indexed Journals
      • A newly emerging visible light-responsive BiFeO3 (2017)
      • Surfactant-free synthesis of ZnO micro nanoflowers with efficient (2017)
      • Mechanistic investigation of visible light responsive Ag/ZnO micro/ nanoflowers for enhanced photocatalytic performance and antibacterial activity (2018)
      • Surfactant-free hydrothermal synthesis of flower-like BiOBr hierarchical structure and its visible light-driven catalytic activity towards the degradation of sunset yellow (2017)
      • Hydrothermal synthesis of coral-like palladium-doped BiFeO3 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic and magnetic properties (2018)
      • Influence of PVP surfactant on the morphology and properties of ZnO micro/nanoflowers for dye mixtures and textile wastewater degradation (2018)
      • Sequencing coagulation–photodegradation treatment of Malachite Green dye and textile wastewater through ZnO micro/nanoflowers (2018)
      • Cr2O3 Nanoparticles Anchored on ZnO Nanorods as Active Heterostructure Catalysts for Phenol Degradation (2018)
      • A facile route for fabrication of hierarchical porous Nb2O5/ZnO composites with enhanced photocatalytic degradation of palm oil mill effluent (2018)
      • Facile fabrication of hierarchical porous ZnO/Fe3O4 composites with enhanced magnetic, photocatalytic and antibacterial properties (2018)
      • One-dimensional ZnO nanorods doped with neodymium for enhanced resorcinol degradation under sunlight irradiation (2018)
      • Visible light responsive flower-like ZnO in photocatalytic antibacterial mechanism towards Enterococcus faecalis and Micrococcus luteus (2018)
      • Evaluation of photocatalytic fuel cell (PFC) for electricity production and simultaneous degradation of methyl green in synthetic and real greywater effluents (2018)
      • Wet chemically synthesized ZnO structures for Photodegradation of pre-treated palm oil mill effluent and anti bacterial activity (2019)
      • Green synthesis of magnetic Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles via Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaf extracts for boosted photocatalytic, antibacterial and antifungal activities (2019)
      • Preparation of Nb2O5-decorated hierarchical porous ZnO microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic degradation of palm oil mill effluent (2019)
      • A facile route for fabrication of hierarchical porous Nb2O5/ZnO composites with enhanced photocatalytic degradation of palm oil mill effluent (2018)
      • Boosting visible light photocatalytic and antibacterial performance by decoration of silver on magnetic spindle-like bismuth ferrite (2019)
      • Boosting visible light photocatalytic and antibacterial performance by decoration of silver on magnetic spindle-like bismuth ferrite (2019)
      • Facile synthesis of novel ZnO/Nd-doped BiOBr composites with boosted visible light photocatalytic degradation of phenol (2019)
    2. Conference Proceedings
      • Spindly BiFeO3 Nanoparticles for Photodegradation of Organic Pollutants Under a Compact Fluorescent Lamp (2018)
      • Fabrication of Flower-like ZnO Micro/Nanostructures for Photodegradation of Pre-treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (2018)
      • Photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants using surfactant-free hydrothermally prepared flower-like BiOBr hierarchical structures under visible light irradiation (2018)
      • A Surfactant-Free Synthesis Technique of Coral-Like Zno Hierarchical Structures for Photocatalytic Degradation of Resorcinol under UV Irradiation (2018)
      • Zinc Oxide Based Nanocomposite for Photocatalytic Conversion of Organic Pollutants in Water (2018)
      • Facile Synthesis of ZnO Flower-Like Micro/nanostructures with Enhanced Antibacterial Activity (2018)
      • Photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants using magnetic Pd-doped BiFeO3 composites under visible light irradiation (2019)
      • Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves extracts and evaluation of their photocatalytic activities (2019)
      • Concurrent palm oil mill effluent degradation and power production by photocatalytic fuel cell (2019)
      • Citrullus lanatus mediated-green synthesis of Ag/ZnO composite for photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2019)
      • Photocatalytic Fuel Cell Using TiO2/ZnO/Zn Photoanode for Greywater and Bacteria Abatements with Power Generation Concomitantly (2019)
      • WO3/Nb2O5 Nanoparticles-Decorated Hierarchical Porous ZnO Microspheres for Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Simultaneous Production of Biogas (2019)
    3. Book Chapter
      • Advancement of Photocatalytic Water Treatment Technology for Environmental Control (2018)
      • Application of Liquid ChromatographyMass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Transformation Products in Advanced Oxidation Processes and Their Reaction Mechanisms (2018)
      • Nanophotocatalysis & Environmental Applications: Detoxification and Disinfection (2019)
      • A Newly Emerging MXene Nanomaterial for Environmental Applications (2019)
      • Two-Dimensional MXene as a Promising Material for Hydrogen Storage (2019)
  • 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD 2018)- SILVER medal
  • 11st International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD2020)- SPECIAL AWARDS
  • 7th National Innovation and Invention Competition through Exhibition 2019 (iCompEx’19)- SPECIAL AWARDS
  • 7th National Innovation and Invention Competition through Exhibition 2019 (iCompEx’19)- GOLD Medal
  • Perlis International Engineering Invention Innovation Exhibition (Pi-ENVEX 2020)-GOLD Medal
  1. The reduction of external energy demands by using solar energy.
  2. The improvement of wastewater treatment technology by developing a clean and environmental friendly solar induced BFO-based heterojunction nanocomposites photocatalysis.
  3. Bottoms billions will be benefited when energy crisis and wastewater pollution issues are mitigated as well as the disasters towards the environment are reduced.
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