


Pembukaan permohonan Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Tahun 2025 bermula pada 2 Januari hingga 28 Februari 2025. Sila muat turun dokumen berkaitan di sini.


Pembukaan permohonan geran Malaysia Laboratories Academia-Business Collaboration (MyLAB) 1/2024 bermula pada 19 Ogos 2024 hingga 30 Oktober 2024. Penghantaran slaid 'project pitching' adalah selewat-lewatnya pada 23 September 2024 (Isnin). Sila muat turun dokumen berkaitan di sini.


Permohonan Geran Penyelidikan Program Padanan Industri (Industry Matching Programme (IMaP)) Fasa 2 Tahun 2024 kini dibuka sehingga 8 Ogos 2024 melalui sistem MyGRANTS.

Tempoh permohonan 10 Julai - 8 Ogos 2024
Tempoh penilaian cadangan penyelidikan 15 Julai - 12 Ogos 2024
Tempoh pembentangan (pitching) 19 - 28 Ogos 2024
Tarikh akhir penghantaran projek yang disyor ke KPT 2 September 2024


Garis Panduan Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Pindaan Tahun 2024 dikemaskini pada 1 November 2023


Penghantaran Laporan Akhir Program/Projek Penyelidikan DP KPT perlu dikemukakan secara atas talian. Ketua Program/Ketua Projek hendaklah berbuat demikian dalam tempoh 3 bulan selepas projek tamat dan/atau status laporan telah bertukar kepada 'Final Report'.


Penghantaran Laporan Pemantauan Dana Penyelidikan KPT Bilangan 2 Tahun 2024 melalui sistem MyGRANTS adalah mulai 1 Ogos 2024 hingga 1 September 2024. Proses semakan laporan pemantauan di peringkat RMC adalah sehingga 30 Oktober 2024. Panduan penentuan status kemajuan projek penyelidikan boleh dirujuk di sini.


Pihak RMC perlu mengemaskini maklumat profil IPT masing-masing (maklumat NC, TNC, Pengarah dan Bendahari) jika berlaku pertukaran.


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Dokumen Tadbir Urus Dana Penyelidikan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (Edisi Kelima) boleh diakses dalam Sistem MyGRANTS pada Menu Help

FRGS Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
PRGS Skim Geran Penyelidikan Pembangunan Prototaip
Prototype Development Research Grant Scheme
ERGS Exploratory Research Grant Scheme
TRGS Skim Geran Penyelidikan Transdisiplinari
Trans Disciplinary Research Grant Scheme
NRGS Niche Research Grant Scheme
LRGS Skim Geran Penyelidikan Jangka Panjang
Long Term Research Grant Scheme
RAGS Dana Pembudayaan Penyelidikan
RACE Research Acculturation of Early Career Researchers
GSP Geran Sanjungan Penyelidikan
Antifouling Study of The Zno Bio-synthesis Polymer Mixed Matric Membrane Using Various Natural Organic Matter (Nom)medium
The modified membrane integrated with several biosynthesized particles from the stage of Sub-Project 1 was successfully fabricated using phase inversion technique.This part will cover for objectives 1 activity. Meanwhile several permeate medium have been chosen based on the real wastewater such as real oil and water mixture from...
An Integrated Insider Threats Detection and Controls Method
The security threats concern all the components of the current computing infrastructure world. One of these threats is the insider threat. The insider threats problem is considered as one of the difficult problems to detect in cyber security. The detection of the Insider threat is becoming a very complex and difficult task. This project...
Prototype Development of Optimum Irregular Milling Tools for Chatter Supression in Machining Automotive Product
In this project, optimum tool geometry of variable helix and variable pitch based on chatter stability lobe diagram (SLD) created from modal analysis and cutting force coefficient determination were developed. The outcome are 3 irregular milling tools (12, 16, 20 mm) with coated and uncoated were produced. This prototype...
Sustainable Platform Controller for Step-compliant Open Cnc System
CNC machines have gone through tremendous upgrades along the years. However, conventional CNC machines could not find its place in the new era of machining due to its limitation in compatibility, language difference and control has caused increase in terms of repurchase cost, reinstallations, reconfigurations and also training. This system which has been designed and developed...
An Automated Reward System: Smart Recycle Bin (SRB)
Recycling rate among developing nation is very low and the number of waste is increasing every day. Although many steps have been taken such as through national campaign, yet the recycle rate remains unchanged especially in Malaysia. Thus, the smart recycle bin is proposed to give a reward to public user who thrown the recyclable waste into the...
An In-vitro study of the Mechanism of Targeted Co-delivery of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents into Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is characterized by its higher incidence of recurrence and more aggressive clinical course. Due to higher rate of recurrence, early detection is urgently needed as well as an effective delivery of anticancer drug to tumor sites to increase patient survival. In this study, we develop theranostic...
Photoluminescence Properties of Lithium Europium Molybdate Phosphor and Its Correlational Effects with the Crystal Structure in the Substitution of Non-activating Cations
Rare earth elements (REEs) such as Eu3+ are very important in contributing to the luminescence properties of phosphors. Current economic situation and environmental awareness has forced global industries to look for...
Evaluation on the Role and Regulation of Inflammatory Cytokines in the Synthesis of Recombinant Protein from Mammalian cell lines
One way to enhance the synthesis of recombinant protein is to improve its expression level. The main objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism that regulates the expression of p110 in different producers when stimulated by human inflammatory cytokines such...



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